Carer Work Limit Changes 2025.

Changes to Carer Work Limitations.

A change to the working hours rules, for eligibility to get the Carer Payment, will change in March 2025.

The current rules include:

Maximum of 25 working hours each week.

  • This changes to a maximum of 100 working hours in each over a 4-week settlement period, providing more flexibility if needed. You would then be able to do 40 hours each week, for 2 weeks out of the 4-week settlement period, if you wish. More choice for the carer.
The 25 hours currently includes travel time and meal breaks.
  • The change to this removes travel time. More choice for the carer.
The 25 hours currently includes paid or self employed work, volunteer work, study and/or training.
  • The change to this removes education and volunteering activities from the participation limit. This will
    support carers to build skills to help them get back to work if their caring responsibilities end.

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