How many Visa Applications are lodged by Migration Agents

How many Visa Applications are lodged by Registered Migration Agents?

From the latest half-yearly report on the “provision of immigration assistance in Australia” report, it shows that most of the Business Skills, Employer Sponsored and Temporary Skill Shortage visa applications were lodged by a Registered Migration Agent (RMA) during those 6 months. Presumably due to the complexity of most of those applications.

The following shows the numbers of different Visa groups that were lodged by a Registered Migration Agent in the last six months of 2020 (1 July – 31 December 2020).

Visa class RMA used Total applications % lodged by an RMA
Family 15,185 33,093 46%
Employer Sponsored 12,545 16,319 77%
General Skilled 11,030 21,414 52%
Business Skills 5,206 6,508 80%
Student 45,615 137,642 33%
Visitor 12,429 130,986 10%
Bridging 6,043 26,840 23%
Temporary Protection 781 1,358 58%
Permanent Protection 1,056 6,277 17%
Returning Resident 4,881 37,028 13%
Temporary Resident 32,021 73,521 44%
Temporary Skill Shortage 19,098 23,987 80%
TOTAL (in ICSE) 165,890 514,973 32%

Source: Migration Agent Activity Report, 1 July – 31 December 2020.

The Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA)

Comparison % lodged by an RMA 2019-20.

These figures relate to the last six months of each year (July to December).

Visa class 2019 2020
Family 46% 46%
Employer Sponsored 87% 77%
General Skilled 50% 52%
Business Skills 74% 80%
Student 23% 33%
Visitor 2% 10%
Bridging 24% 23%
Temporary Protection 30% 58%
Permanent Protection 16% 17%
Returning Resident 7% 13%
Temporary Resident 30% 44%
Temporary Skill Shortage 80% 80%
TOTAL (in ICSE) 9% 32%

The total of 9% RMA submitted in July 2019 to December 2019, was 222,598 of the total 2,376,012 total applications.

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The total of 32% RMA submitted in July 2020 to December 2020, was 165,890 applications of the 514,973 total applications.

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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