Lettuce, by ABCDiamond

Lettuce… by ABCDiamond…

That will have brought a smile (or something) to a number of peoples faces, but most will now be totally puzzled.

I am pretty well known for my comments on Lettuce, and the price of it. It is nothing serious, just amusing, and I enjoy the feedback I get about it.

However, the serious side of Lettuce…

This morning I was asked to buy a lettuce from the shops, so I asked which one.. and therein began the problem…

Cos, Butter, Oakleaf, Red Salanova, Green Salanova, Mignonette and of course, my favourite, Iceberg.

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I expected the answer to be… “Don’t worry, I’ll get it myself”, but, not to be this time, I had to get one with long leaves.

I got a Cos Lettuce…

For the record….

Cos Lettuce
Cos Lettuce

Butter Lettuce
Butter Lettuce

Butter Green Salanova Lettuce
Butter Green Salanova Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce
Iceberg Lettuce

Mignonette Lettuce
Mignonette Lettuce

Green Oakleaf Lettuce
Green Oakleaf Lettuce

Red Oakleaf Lettuce
Red Oakleaf Lettuce

Red Salanova Lettuce
Red Salanova Lettuce
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