The phone number 0450 078 884 is NO LONGER connected with this company. It appears to have been re-allocated.
Petfood 247 is an online pet goods supplier with a reputation that needs to be looked at.
They quote their contact details as:
Address: PO Box 3369, 2234 Bangor, Australia
Phone: 0450 078 884
Contact person: Customer Service
E-mail: orders@petfood247.com.au
There are numerous comments on many websites worldwide about their trading problems.
A Google search on the phone number “0450 078 884” reveals a lot of information that a potential customer should take into account.
A Google search on their address “PO Box 3369 Bangor” also reveals more interesting information.
You can do your own searches to locate more information here:
A search on the website reveals relevant information such as:
Domain Name: petfood247.com.au
Registrant: GARY MCDUFF
Registrant ID: ABN 26215935282
Eligibility Type: Sole Trader
Registrant Contact Name Gary McDuff
Registrant Contact Email gary@petfood247.com.au
A Google search on the ABN number “ABN 26215935282” shows links to the scamwarners website.
Further searches reveal:
NSW State Business Registration Number: BN98461919 2234
Full Name: Mr. Gary John McDuff
The home address and home telephone number appear to be shown at: www.scamwarners.com
Another company, Pets Force Warehouse Pty Limited, 61 East Parade, Sutherland, NSW 2232 is shown as having a website www.petsforce.com that was owned by a Gary McDuff. Tel: 02 9545 0122. This site is however now closed, it was created in 2008. The company itself was renamed in 2004 under ACN 065288548 and ABN
63 065 288 548. It was wound up (closed down) in 2010.
I find it interesting that the Petfood 247 name was Registered on 19/10/2009, not too long before the old company was ‘officially’ closed down.