Who called from 02 8912 5631

Who owns the Telephone Number 02 8912 5631.

Have you been called by this number?

02 8912 5631.

It seems that many people get called by this number, with many answering it just as it hangs up.

It appears that the number is operated by “Engine” a company that conducts market research for Tourism Research Australia.

Tourism Research Australia‘ is a government body, and this webpage explains what happens and why. https://www.tra.gov.au/survey/survey

Tourism Research Australia contract Engine to contact 120,000 Australian residents each year aged 15 years and over on their mobile phone to participate in our National Visitor Survey. Asking residents about their travel experiences both within Australia and overseas, allows us to collect vital data that helps strengthen Australia’s tourism industry and increase jobs for Australians.

Even if you are on the “Do not call” register or have a silent number, Engine are still legally able to call you, as they are conducting market research – not selling a product.

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A computer randomly chooses your mobile phone number through a process called Random Digit Dialling. I would guess that their system dials a few numbers at a time, responding to the first number to answer, and hanging up on the rest. I am aware of that system from years ago.

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