18 Nov 2017: Important Changes to Partner Visa Lodgement Options

Important: All Partner Visas to be Lodged Online ONLY.

From 18 November 2017, all Partner visa applications, including Prospective Marriage visas, must be lodged ONLINE through an ImmiAccount.
Lodging an application in person at any offices of the Department will not be allowed for the Partner Visa subclasses 820, 801, 309, 100 & 300.

Source: www.border.gov.au

The Following Important Changes are also mentioned, but not yet on the DIBP website:

  • Any applications lodged before and after 18 November 2017 and not finally decided may get refused without notice and without requests for further information if the application is not decision ready.
  • For applications lodged prior to 18 November 2017, the Department will provide only ONE opportunity to submit additional documentation.

This indicates that all applications MUST be decision ready, no more incomplete applications.

This was tabled in the Senate on: 13 Nov 2017: Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017

The Final Text of the proposals above, appear to show they apply only to applications lodged by Registered Migration Agents.

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Partner & PMV visas – changes to application arrangements.

The MIA has received confirmation from the Department of changes to Partner (SC 309/100 & 820/801) and Prospective Marriage (SC 300) visa application arrangements mooted at the MIA National Conference.

On or after 18 November 2017 the following changes will occur to Partner and Prospective Marriage Visa (PMV) application arrangements:

• Partner and PMV visas must be lodged online.

• Paper applications received after COB on 17 November 2017 at any office of the Department, Service Delivery Partner, overseas embassy or High Commission will be invalid.

The following policy will be applied to applications lodged before and after 18 November 2017 and not finally decided:

• Undocumented or poorly documented applications lodged by RMAs, eg applicatons that only meet the basic Schedule 1 requirements for lodging a valid application, may be refused without notice and without requests for further information.

• Where natural justice letters have been sent to RMAs, no follow up or subsequent reminders will be sent. The Department will decide the application on the information before it, unless an extension of time has been requested and granted.

• For applications lodged prior to 18 November 2017, the Department will provide only ONE opportunity to submit additional information and/or documents or respond to a natural justice letter.

These measures have been implemented by the Department because of the high level of incomplete and undocumented applications lodged and are aimed at freeing Departmental resources to address the second stage processing backlog.

The Department has also indicated that it will prioritise well documented and low risk applications in 2017 – 2018. AAT applications will also be remitted to one central office to speed up processing.

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