ABN and Working Holiday Visa.

6 Month Rule for Working Holiday Visa with ABN.

Can you work more than the 6 months normally allowed with one employer, if you have an ABN?

The answer is normally “No”.

A statement from Home Affairs says this:

You cannot stay in the same position in the same location with one employer for more than six months by using different employment agencies, business affiliates or sub-contracting arrangements.

An ABN holder is normally a sub-contractor, mentioned in the above statement.


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What is an ABN?

An ABN is an Australian Business Number, and is a unique 11-digit number that identifies your business or organisation to the government and community.

It registers you with the Australian Business Register (ABR).

Not everyone is entitled to an ABN. You may face prosecution or criminal charges if you apply for an ABN, register for GST and claim GST refunds when you’re not entitled.


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