Australian Citizenship Statistics April 2024

Australian Citizenship applications April 2024.

This data is copied from the Australian Department of Home Affairs Citizenship page.

This table shows how many applications we had on hand on 30 April 2024.

Application type Number of applications 3
Australian citizenship by conferral (general eligibility and other situations)4 112,305
Australian citizenship by descent 4,758
Evidence of Australian citizenship 807

3 The numbers are correct at time of publication. The numbers come from a dynamic system environment and may differ slightly from previous or future reporting.

4 Includes children aged 15 years or younger who were included in their parent’s application.

Number of applications received

This table shows the number of citizenship applications we received between 1 April and 30 April 2024.

Application type Number of applications 5
Australian citizenship by conferral (general eligibility and other situations)6 17,367
Australian citizenship by descent 1,551
Evidence of Australian citizenship 3,472

5The numbers are correct at time of publication. The numbers come from a dynamic system environment and may differ slightly from previous or future reporting.

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6 Includes children aged 15 years or younger who were included in their parent’s application.


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