Australian Migration Program Outcomes.

Australian Migration Program Outcomes.

The 2022-23 Migration Program has a planning level of 160,000 places.

  • 109,900 places Skilled stream.
  • 50,000 places Family stream (mainly Partner visas).
  • 100 special eligibility stream.

Previous years Migration Program Outcomes have been:

Australian 2021-22 Migration Program.

The 2021-22 Migration Program had an outcome of 143,556 places. These were divided between:

  • 89,063 places Skilled stream.
  • 51,288 places Family stream (mainly Partner visas).
  • 199 special eligibility stream.

Australian 2020-22 Migration Program.

The 2020-21 Migration Program had an outcome of 160,052 places. These were divided between:

  • 79,620 places Skilled stream.
  • 77,372 places Family stream (mainly Partner visas).
  • 54 special eligibility stream.

Australian 2019-20 Migration Program.

The 2019-20 Migration Program had an outcome of 140,366 places. These were divided between:

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  • 95,843 places Skilled stream.
  • 41,961 places Family stream (mainly Partner visas).
  • 81 special eligibility stream.
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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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