COVIDSafe App Now Operating

It has been confirmed by Paul Kelly (Deputy Chief Medical Officer) that the COVIDSafe tracing app is now “fully functional” after all the Australian states and territories signed up to use it, and have been trained in its use.

There was a delay between the first release of the app and the ability for State Health departments to be able to access the data being recorded.

This has now been resolved after all states agreed to the system, and staff were suitably trained.

On the 8th May 2020, it was stated that about 5.4 million people had downloaded the App.

How does the COVIDSafe App work.

COVIDSafe recognises other devices with the COVIDSafe app installed and Bluetooth® enabled. When the app recognises another user, it notes the date, time, distance and duration of the contact and the other user’s reference code. The COVIDSafe app does not collect your location.

To be effective, you should have the COVIDSafe app running as you go about your daily business and come into contact with people. Users will receive daily notifications to ensure the COVIDSafe app is running.

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The information is encrypted and that encrypted identifier is stored securely on your phone. Not even you can access it. The contact information stored in people’s mobiles is deleted on a 21-day rolling cycle. This period takes into account the COVID-19 incubation period and the time it takes to get tested.…/covidsafe-app

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