2008 Crime in Queensland
Victims related to the Offender
55% of homicide and related offence victims knew their attacker.
49% of assualt victims knew their attacker.
64% of sexual assault victims knew their attacker.
21% of Kidnapping/ abduction victims knew their attacker.
13% of robbery victims knew their attacker.
Crime Numbers in Queensland
55 Murders in 2008
73 Attempted Murders in 2008
846 Armed Robberies in 2008
82% of homicide and related offences were finalised within 30 days of the recording of the incident by police.
Media Releases of daily Crime Reports can be seen at the Queensland Police web site: http://www.police.qld.gov.au/News+and+Alerts/Media+Releases
Australian Bureau of Statistics sources include: 1318.3 – Qld Stats, Jul 2009