Deaths in Australia from Wildlife.
Many people say that Australia has the most dangerous creatures in the world, there are stories of spiders as big as your hand, or bigger, some as big as a dinner plate, but just how dangerous are they?
Deaths in Australia from Spiders.
Between 1955 and 2016, there have been 3 deaths from spider bites, that is about 1 every 20 years.
In 2016 a young man became the first to die from a spider bite in Australia for 37 years. He was bitten by a poisonous redback spider during a bushwalk.
Prior to that the last two were: a death from a Redback spider in 1955, and one from a Funnel Web spider in 1979.
Deaths in Australia from Snakes.
During the fourteen years 2000 to 2013 there were 27 deaths from snake bites, that is almost 2 per year.
Deaths in Australia from Sharks.
During 2011 to 2015 an average of three people have died each year, from Shark attacks.
During 1995 to 2010 an average of just one person died each year. Shark Attack File
1 shark attack death in 2017 (up to November 2017)
2 shark attack deaths in 2016
2 shark attack deaths in 2015 (one of which was classed as the shark being provoked into attacking.)
5 shark attack deaths in 2014 (three of which were classed as the shark being provoked into attacking.)
2 shark attack deaths in 2013
Deaths in Australia from Crocodiles.
During the last 10 years there has been an average of one person killed by crocodiles every 3 years. However, there have been two in 2017, according to
Long-term figures from the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection show a rate of one fatal crocodile attack every three years from 1985 to now.
In the past 10 years there were six deaths, a rate of one every 20 months. There was one death per year in the past three years. ABC Fact-Check
Deaths in Australia from Bees.
During the fourteeen years 2000 to 2013 there were 25 deaths from Bee stings
Deaths in Australia from Wasps.
During the fourteeen years 2000 to 2013 there were 2 deaths from Wasp stings
Deaths in Australia from Ants and Ticks.
During the fourteen years 2000 to 2013 there were 5 deaths from Ant and Tick stings