Internet Speed in Australia

Australia’s internet speeds are increasing each year, and are no longer quite as bad as they were often accused of being.

Internet Speed and Number of Users Jun-08 Jun-09 Jun-10 Jun-11
speed of 24Mbps or greater 262,000 443,000 635,000 990,000
speed between 8Mbps and 24Mbps 1,390,000 1,800,000 2,600,000 3,913,000
speed between 1.5Mbps and 8Mbps 1,440,000 2,529,000 3,553,000 4,614,000
speed between 256kbps and 1.5Mbps 2,551,000 2,546,000 1,979,000 812,000
speed of less than 256kbps 1,581,000 1,103,000 803,000 579,000
Total 7,224,000 8,421,000 9,570,000 10,908,000
  • In 2008 21.9% of users had speeds of under 256kbps, but in 2011 this percentage has dropped to just 5.3%
  • In 2008 22.9% had speeds of 8Mbps or more, but this has risen to 44.9% in 2011

The website shows the average Internet speeds for most counties in the world, and a recent check of my own speed showed me how Australia and the UK compare.

Worldwide Internet speed results are available for country comparisons, based on millions of recent test results from, at

As at 2nd November 2011, the World Household Download Index was 9.18 Mbps

  • Lithuania was ranked Number 1 with 32.48 Mbps
  • United States came in 31st with 12.16 Mbps
  • United Kingdom took the 35th position with 10.78 Mbps
  • Australia was 49th with 8.47 Mbps

The following charts shows the Uk and Australia, with their respective average speeds in 2010. These averages are based on users excluding education facilities and large corporations, to enable a realistic normal user average.

April 2010 August 2010
August 2010 World Internet Speeds


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My own 24Mb/s ADSL2+ service is currently showing the following result:

The cost of my connection is $49.99 per month with a 100Gb download limit.

Unfortunately I am classed as being in regional Australia, about 40 kms from Brisbane Centre, but if I were in a Metro area, the cost would be $39.99 per month.

Options are available for smaller or larger download limits at corresponding smaller or greater cost, however as the maximum I have ever used is 45Gb in a month, my current set-up seems about right.

To check ADSL2 availability in Australia, you can enter your phone number here:

One thing to be aware of with the high speed ADSL2, is how far from the exchange you are:

If you live less than 1 kilometre from your local telephone exchange you may get an actual speed of about 20Mb/s.
But, if you are more like 4 kilometres from the exchange, you may only get an actual speed of less than 4Mb/s

Estimated ADSL2+ speeds, based on your distance from the Telephone Exchange, with a theoretical 24Mb/s maximum:

  • 0 to 2km = 12 to 20Mb/s (my location is in this group)
  • 2 to 3km = 8 to 14Mb/s
  • 3 to 4km = 4 to 8Mb/s
  • 4 + km = 1.5 to 4Mb/s


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