Labour Day in Australia 2020

When is Labour Day in Australia in 2020?.

Labour Day is is a public holiday in Australia but is held on different days, depending on what part of Australia you are looking at.
Labour Day was originally called ‘Eight Hours Day’.

Labour Day in 2020..

2 March 2020 in WA.
9 March 2020 in Vic and Tas.
4 May 2020 in QLD and NT.
5 October 2020 in ACT, NSW and SA.

When is Labour Day in Australia in 2021?.

Labour Day in 2021..

1 March 2021 in WA.
8 March 2021 in Vic and Tas.
3 May 2021 in QLD and NT.
4 October 2021 in ACT, NSW and SA.

When is Labour Day in Australia in 2019?.

    • WA: 4th March 2019
    • Vic: 11th March 2019
    • Tas: 11th March 2019 (but this is called Eight Hours Day, not Labour Day)
    • QLD: 6th May 2019
    • NT: 6th May 2019 (but this is called May Day, not Labour Day)
    • ACT: 7th October 2019
    • NSW: 7th October 2019
    • SA: 7th October 2019


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