Main Migrant Birthplaces in Australia 1996 and 2014

The Birthplaces of Migrants in Australia.

Between 1996 and 2014, India has seen the largest rise in birthplace of new migrants in Australia. Most of these have been from India and China, with the increases in numbers, for the top 5 countries, being:

328,730 People’s Republic of China
316,700 India
304,720 New Zealand
120,290 Philippines
56,870 United Kingdom

Overseas born Migrants in Australia totalled 4.24 million at 30 June 1996, and had risen to 6.60 million by 30 June 2014. This is a rise of 2.36 million or a 55.67% increase between 1996 and 2014.

Individual County increases, for the top 5 birthplaces between 1996 and 2014, have been:

393.51% India from 80,480 to 397,180
277.08% People’s Republic of China from 118,640 to 447,370
114.76% Philippines from 104,820 to 225,110
97.59% New Zealand from 312,240 to 616,960
4.88% United Kingdom from 1,164,390 to 1,221,260

The increase of those born in the United Kingdom being well under the average of 55.67%, at an increase of only 4.88%.

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Australian born residents grew at a rate of 20.8% during this period.

Main Migrant Birthplaces in Australia 2014.

1,221,260 United Kingdom
616,960 New Zealand
447,370 People’s Republic of China
397,180 India
225,110 Philippines
3,692,870 Other countries
6,600,750 Total

Main Migrant Birthplaces in Australia 1996.

1,164,390 United Kingdom
312,240 New Zealand
118,640 People’s Republic of China
80,480 India
104,820 Philippines
2,459,690 Other countries

Source: Australia’s Migration Trends 2014 ??15 at

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