Median Wage in Australia 2009

Median Income in 2008-2009

According to the Australian Tax Office, there were 5,054,605 male tax payers in the tax year 2008-09

  • 2,501,800 earned $50,127 or less
  • 52,090 males earned between $50,128 to $50,887
  • 2,500,725 earned $50,888 or more

This shows the median income for males, in 2008-09 as being near enough $50,500 per year.

According to the Australian Tax Office, there were 4,134,200 female tax payers in the tax year 2008-09

  • 2,055,340 earned $38,524 or less
  • 46,625 females earned between $38,525 to $39,090
  • 2,032,255 earned $39,090 or more

This shows the median income for females, in 2008-09, as being near enough $38,800 per year.

Note that the above figures include all taxpayers, including Part Timers, therefore the figures for full time workers will obviously be higher.

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Australian Taxation Office statistics 2008 ??09 : Table 9: Personal tax : One percentile distribution, by taxable income, 2008 ??09 income year

Income Tax contribution from ALL Australian taxpayers.

Out of the total income of $555.0 billion, the ATO collected $115.7 billion in income tax (21%)

The lower earning group paid an average of 11% of their income in tax ($19.5 billion)
The higher earning group paid an average of 26% of their income in tax ($95.3 billion)
The median income group paid an average of 17% of their income in tax ($0.8 billion)

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