Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant Processing Times 2015 to 2018

Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2015 to 2019.

Australian Visa processing time estimates are normally quoted with two figures; one being the number of months taken for 75% of those visas finalised in the previous month, and the higher being the number of months taken for 90% of those visas finalised in that month.

The following figures are taken from a total of 200 subclass 801 visa grants over the last few years, and show figures for those grants on the 25%, 50%, 75% and those that exceeded the 90%.

These figures are an indication of a random sample of grants taken from Public Forums, and although indicative of what may be close to actual, cannot be stated as such. Full official figures from Immigration would be needed for that.

It does however give an indication that the official figures, of say 12-14 months, which make many people think their visa will take 12-14 months, do not actually mean that.

The figure of 12-14 months, shown for the 2016 grants below, actually mean that 75% were done under 12 months, and 10% took over 14 months. Even though the average was 9.5 months, and 25% took under 8 months.

As at February 2019, the official figure is: 21-26 months, ie: 75% of January 2019 finalisations were done in under 21 months, and 10% took over 26 months.

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Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2015.

In 2015, from 22 grants, the processing time would be shown as: 9-10
The average processing time was: 6.7 months. (Median average 6 months)

The fastest took 3.8 months, while the slowest took: 11.7 Months.
25% took under 5 months; 50% took under 6 Months; 75% took under 9 months and the remaining 10% took over 10 months.

Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2016.

In 2016, from 83 grants, the processing time would be shown as: 12-14 months.
The average processing time was: 9.5 months.  (Median average 10 months)

The fastest took 2.7 months, while the slowest took: 17.7 Months.
25% took under 8 months; 50% took under 10 Months; 75% took under 12 months and the remaining 10% took over 14 months.

Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2017.

In 2017, from 71 grants, the processing time would be shown as: 13-16 months.
The average processing time was: 12.4 months. (Median average 12 months)

The fastest took 4.7 months, while the slowest took: 21 Months.
5% took under 11 months; 50% took under 12 Months; 75% took under 13 months and the remaining 10% took over 16 months.

Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2018.

In 2018, from 13 grants, the processing time would be shown as: 15-20 months.
The average processing time was: 11.8 months. (Median average 9 months)

The fastest took 6.2 months, while the slowest took: 22.8 Months.
25% took under 8 months; 50% took under 9 Months; 75% took under 15 months and the remaining 10% took over 20 months.

Partner Visa Subclass 801 Grant processing times 2019 (to Feb 2019).

In 2019, from 10 grants to mid February, the processing time would be shown as: 18-23 months.
The average processing time was: 13.8 months. (Median average 11 months)

The fastest took 8.6 months, while the slowest took: 24.6 Months.
25% took under 9 months; 50% took under 11 Months; 75% took under 18 months and the remaining 10% took over 23 months.

Year to Year Comparison.

The median average has varied, up and down, between 2015 and 2019, with 50% being .

  • In 2015, 50% took under 6 months. The fastest took 3.8 months.
  • In 2016, 50% took under 10 months. The fastest took 2.7 months.
  • In 2017, 50% took under 12 months. The fastest took 4.7 months.
  • In 2018, 50% took under 9 months. The fastest took 6.2 months.
  • In 2019, 50% took under 11 months. The fastest took 8.6 months.

The times for the slowest processing have consistently increased, with the slowest 25% being:

  • In 2015, 25% took over 9 months, the slowest took 11.7 Months.
  • In 2016, 25% took over 12 months, the slowest took 17.7 Months.
  • In 2017, 25% took over 13 months, the slowest took 21 Months.
  • In 2018, 25% took over 15 months, the slowest took 22.8 Months.
  • In 2019, 25% took over 18 months, the slowest took 24.6 Months.
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