It does seem that many people feel that the price of Beer in Australia is very high in comparison to the prices in Britain.
I am not sure if that is only for drinking in Pubs, or for purchases from the Bottle Shops.
In late 2008, I saw these prices for drinks served in pubs:
$3.90 Schooner
$3.10 Middy
$3.50 Schooner
$2.50 Middy
$3.50 Schooner in RSL
$3.90 Schooner
Beer Glass Sizes
- Schooner 425ml = 75% of a pint
- Schooner in Victoria 485ml = 85% of a pint
- Schooner in South Australia 285ml = 50% of a pint
- Middie 285ml = 50% of a pint
- Jug 1140ml = 2 Pints
More Size Conversions at:
A small selection of common drink sizes:
Schooner 285ml 10 ounces South Australia
Schooner 425ml 15 ounces New South Wales and A.C.T.
Schooner 425ml 15 ounces Northern Territory
Schooner 425ml 15 ounces Victoria
Schooner 425ml 15 ounces Western Australia
Schooner 425ml 15 ounces Queensland
Pint 425ml 15 ounces South Australia
Pint 568ml 20 ounces New South Wales
Pint 568ml 20 ounces A.C.T.
Pint 568ml 20 ounces Victoria
And, at

I have also seen these sizes of Australian Beer measurements:
New South Wales
200 ml Glass
285 ml Middy
425 ml Schooner
Norther Territory
200 ml Six
285 ml Seven
425 ml Handle
200 ml Glass
285 ml Pot
425 ml Schooner
South Australia
200 ml Butcher
285 ml Schooner
425 ml Pint
200 ml Seven
285 ml Ten
425 ml Pint
200 ml Glass
285 ml Pot
Western Australia
200 ml Bobby
285 ml Glass
425 ml Pot