Statutory Declaration for subclass 100 or 801

Sponsors Stat Dec for subclass 100 and 801.

A change to the requirements for the Partner Visa second stage Sponsors Stat Dec appeared in 2023 showing this:

  • a completed Commonwealth statutory declaration form with information about any of the following:
    • whether you and your partner have a mutual commitment with your spouse of de facto partner to the exclusion of all others
    • whether your relationship is genuine and continuing
    • whether you live together or don’t live permanently apart
    • when your relationship began and how long you have lived together for
    • the financial commitments you and your partner share
    • the nature of your household (including any joint responsibility for the care and support of children)
    • the social aspects of your relationship
    • the nature of your commitment to each other
    • your plans for the future.

This appears to override the older Sponsors Declaration form, which was specific for the sponsor, but seemed to have small boxes to fill in, and looked like this:

Statutory Declaration Partner Visa Sponsor

When we did one, we copied the “Sponsor Stat Dec” form into Word, edited the size of the boxes to increase the size, filled it in, printed it, signed it, etc., and then photographed it and uploaded it into the IMMI account.

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