Sydney median house price now sits at $1,017,500, as at July 2015.
Headlines for Sydney House Prices have the median price having gone through the $1 Million mark and now standing at $1,017,500.
But … what part of Sydney is that ?
Sydney City ?
Population: 169,505 (2011 census)
Greater Sydney ?
Population: 4,840,600 (2014)
Just one year ago, another report stated: Jul 24, 2014 – Sydney’s median house price has smashed through the $800,000 barrier, This shows a 25% increase in ONE Year, assuming we are looking at the same comparisons.
These reports do seem to be saying that this $1M median price is for Greater Sydney, (including the Central Coast and Blue Mountains).
The report that has Sydney Median House Price at $1,017,500, also shows these Median House Prices, for other State Capitals.
What do you get for $1 Million in Sydney?.
That’s 465,000 in the UK.
This is what the median house price gets you in Sydney.
However the rest of NSW has a Median House price of $414,500, with Units being $345,500
Sydney Median House Prices.
$505,000 Australia
$683,000 Melbourne
$561,500 Darwin
$520,000 Perth
$487,500 Brisbane
$427,500 Adelaide
$376,500 Hobart
Those are for Houses.
The Median price for Units is shown as:.
$466,500 Australia
$670,000 Sydney
$485,500 Melbourne
$452,500 Perth
$404,500 Darwin
$373,500 Brisbane
$315,000 Adelaide
$276,500 Hobart