Sydney median house price now over $1 Million Dollar

Sydney median house price now sits at $1,017,500, as at July 2015.

Headlines for Sydney House Prices have the median price having gone through the $1 Million mark and now standing at $1,017,500.

But … what part of Sydney is that ?

Sydney City ?
Population: 169,505 (2011 census)

Greater Sydney ?
Population: 4,840,600 (2014)

Just one year ago, another report stated: Jul 24, 2014 – Sydney’s median house price has smashed through the $800,000 barrier, This shows a 25% increase in ONE Year, assuming we are looking at the same comparisons.

These reports do seem to be saying that this $1M median price is for Greater Sydney, (including the Central Coast and Blue Mountains).

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The report that has Sydney Median House Price at $1,017,500, also shows these Median House Prices, for other State Capitals.

What do you get for $1 Million in Sydney?.

That’s œ465,000 in the UK.

This is what the median house price gets you in Sydney.
Sydney House 1Mil July 2015 Sydney House 1Mill July 2015

However the rest of NSW has a Median House price of $414,500, with Units being $345,500

Sydney Median House Prices.

$505,000 Australia

$683,000 Melbourne
$561,500 Darwin
$520,000 Perth
$487,500 Brisbane
$427,500 Adelaide
$376,500 Hobart

Those are for Houses.

The Median price for Units is shown as:.

$466,500 Australia

$670,000 Sydney
$485,500 Melbourne
$452,500 Perth
$404,500 Darwin
$373,500 Brisbane
$315,000 Adelaide
$276,500 Hobart

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