The 40 cent per litre Petrol Price Discount War

The petrol price war is on, or is it… ?

Spend $300 in the supermarket and get a voucher for 40 cents of your next petrol purchase…. and this is now being investigated by the ACCC, in case it pushes up the normal food prices to compensate… but is it really such a good deal ?

Look at the real figures:

You spend $300 in the supermarket, then you buy say 50 litres of petrol, and get an ‘extra’ 36 cents off. You would have got the normal 4 cents anyway. So you save 50 x 36cents = $18.00.

That “$18” is equivalent to 6% of your supermarket spend of $300, if you only spent the $300 minimum. The % discount drops if you spend more.

But of you only spend $290 ? Well the extra discount on your 50 litres becomes only $12.50, or 4.3% of your supermarket shopping bill.

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If the supermarkets came out with a 6% discount on all prices, would that draw the same attention ?

Oh yes, and it is only for THREE DAYS !!

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