Unemployment Rate May 2009

Australian Unemployment Rates May 2009.

11th June 2009

Monthly Changes in Australian Unemployment Rates.

The Australian Trend unemployment rate moved in May 2009 from 5.6% to 5.7%

The Australian Seasonally Adjusted unemployment rate moved in May 2009 from 5.5% to 5.7%

  • Employment changed from 10,789,300 to 10,788,100
  • Unemployment changed from 638,000 to 654,900
  • Participation Rate changed from 65.5% to 65.5%

The Annual change from May 08 to May 09 has been a 37.7% Increase in Unemployment.

  • Full Time Male Unemployment went from 183,400 in May 2008 to 303,100 in May 2009. An increase of 65.3%
  • Full Time Female Unemployment went from 127,100 in May 2008 to 179,500 in May 2009. An increase of 41.2%

The above Estimate rates from: www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6202.0

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