Work for The Dole Australia

Work for the Dole.

Work for the Dole is a work experience programme which places job seekers in activities where they can gain skills, experience and confidence to move from welfare to work, while giving back to their community.

Some job seekers need to meet certain requirements in order to keep receiving income support.
These are called mutual obligation requirements.
Job seekers on income support who are participating in Work for the Dole can receive an income support supplement of $20.80 per fortnight

Work for the Dole under 18.

Work for the Dole is not available to job seekers aged under 18 years.

Work for the Dole under 30.

aged under 30 years, they will need to complete 25 hours per week of Work for the Dole (as the principal activity) or another approved activity for six months each year

Work for the Dole 30 to 49.

aged 30 to 49 years, they will need to complete 15 hours per week of Work for the Dole (as the principal activity) or another approved activity for six months each year

Work for the Dole 50 to 59.

aged 50 to 59 years, they will need to complete 15 hours per week of an approved activity for six months each year, which can include volunteering for Work for the Dole

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Work for the Dole over 60.

60 years of age or over they can volunteer for Work for the Dole or other approved activities.

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