2004 Australian Federal Election Result

2004 Australian Federal Election Final Result.

The Australian 2004 Federal Election was held on 9th October 2004.

The main party Leaders were:

John Howard – Liberal/Nationals
Mark Latham – Australian Labor Party

There were 13,098,461 eligible voters on the day, and 12,354,983 (or 94.32%) of them voted.
Voting is compulsory in Australia, and those without a valid reason to not vote would have received a fine for not voting.

Only 11,715,132 of the votes were considered valid, with 639,851 of the votes deemed inadmissible for various reasons.
Some voters, who do not wish to vote, but do not want to pay the fine for not voting, attend the voting poll, but spoil their ballot paper in one of various ways, to purposefully register a vote that does not count.

The Liberal National Party won the election, with John Howard being re-elected the Prime Minister of Australia.

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John Howard, was first elected as Prime Minister in March 1996, and again re-elected in 1998 and 2001.

Final Vote after Preferences.

52.74% – Liberal National Party
47.26% – Australian Labor Party

Seats won by Party.

87 – Liberal National Party 58.00% of seats
60 – Australian Labor Party 40.00% of seats
1 – Peter Andren, Independent
1 – Tony Windsor, Independent
1 – Bob Katter, Independent

The following percentages relate to the votes initially allocated to each party after counting was completed.

The percentage is followed by the party name and the number of actual votes.

46.36% – Liberal National Party 5,431,733
37.64% – Australian Labor Party 4,409,117
7.19% – The Greens 841,734
2.44% – Independent 286,206
2.01% – Family First 235,315
1.24% – Democrats 144,832
1.19% – One Nation 139,956
0.62% – CDP Christian Party 72,241
0.36% – Citizens Electoral Council 42,349
0.34% – CLP – The Territory Party 39,855
0.12% – Socialist Alliance 14,155
0.08% – New Country Party 9,439
0.07% – liberals for forests 8,165
0.07% – No GST 7,802
0.05% – Non Affiliated 5,830
0.04% – Ex-Service, Service & Veterans Party 4,369
0.03% – Progressive Labour Party 3,775
0.03% – Outdoor Recreation Party 3,505
0.03% – Save the ADI Site Party 3,490
0.02% – The Great Australians 2,824
0.02% – The Fishing Party 2,516
0.02% – Lower Excise Fuel and Beer Party 2,007
0.01% – DLP – Democratic Labor Party 1,372
0.01% – Non-Custodial Parents Party 1,132
0.01% – HEMP 787
0.00% – Nuclear Disarmament Party 341
0.00% – The Aged and Disability Pensioners Party 285

More details can be found at: Australian Electoral Commission

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