2014-2015 Australian Immigration Planning Statistics

How many Migration Visas are planned to be issued each year in Australia.

According to border.gov.au, the Australian Immigration department, the Australian Migration Programme is currently planned and managed on an annual basis, and announced as part of the annual Budget process in May each year. The size and composition of the programme is determined by a range of factors. The planning figures for 2014-2015 are reported as follows.

2014-15 Australian Migration Planning Level.

Family Stream

47,825 Partner
3,885 Child
8,675 Parent
585 Other family

60,885 Total Family

Skill Stream

48,250 Employer Sponsored
43,900 Skilled Independent
28,850 State Territory and Regional Nominated
7,260 Business Innovation and Investment Program
200 Distinguished Talent

Agoda Hotel Bookings
Sponsor ai10

128,550 Total Skill


565 Special Eligibility

190,000 Total Migration Programme



Capping and Queuing of Australian Visa Applications.

To ensure equity, applications for each type of family visa are assessed in order of lodgement for that type of visa. In family visa programs that are subject to capping, applicants can be allocated a queue date if the application is found to meet the initial criteria for the grant of the visa.
The queue date is the date on which an application is assessed as having met all the relevant requirements. When a queue date has been assigned it is fixed and the application cannot be given priority ahead of other applicants. Applications are then considered for grant in order of their queue date as places become available within that visa category.

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