Australian Partner Visa from Visitor Visa

Can you get an Australian Partner Visa while on a Visitor / Tourist Visa?.

A number of people do apply for a Partner Visa while in Australia on a Visitor visa, but it isn’t an option for everyone.

Many Visitor Visa holders receive a ‘No Further Stay’ condition on their Visa and that prevents them from applying for many temporary and permanent visas while they are in Australia.

A Partner Visa application can take some people many months to prepare, and if you are part way through a Three Month Visitor visa, you may not have the time to actually get the application done correctly in time.

It is important to remember that a Partner visa often needs proof of 12 months committed relationship, completed at the time of the Partner Visa application. This relationship period does not include the dating period, and an online relationship is not normally accepted.

If you do feel it is an option, then you need to apply for the subclass 820 Onshore Partner Visa

A General Comment on this topic:

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Q: Can you apply for a partner visa while travelling on an ETA?.

You are NOT allowed to use a Visitor Visa, or ETA, for the sole purpose of entering Australia to apply onshore for a Partner visa. You will either be denied a visa, OR, you could be denied entry at the Australian airport, and returned home.


You are allowed to use a Visitor Visa, or ETA, for the purpose of a trip to Australia to see what it is like, and have a holiday. If you happen to fall in love and decide to apply for a Partner visa after that, then that IS allowed, as you haven’t planned it in advance.

But, there is a new Immigration policy being brought in at some stage (uncertain when, but the law has been passed), that entails the Sponsor needing to apply first, and be approved before the Applicant is allowed to apply.
Some are saying that those on a visitor visa may not have time for that process, before their visa expires, and they have to leave the country.

Further entry on a ETA or Visitor visa would then be a hassle, as their partner would have declared the intention for a partner visa, putting you back to this situation:  (You are NOT allowed to use a Visitor Visa, or ETA, for the sole purpose of entering Australia to apply onshore for a Partner visa).

This new policy may be designed to block those who.. ‘decide after arriving’, to apply for a Partner Visa.

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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