Australian Population increased by 395,100 in 12 Months

Annual Increase in Australian Population: 395,100.

As at 30th September 2018, the Australian Population had reached 25.1 million.

According to the ABS, the Australian Population increased by 395,100 during the 12 months ending September 2018. This is a 1.6% increase over the year.

Net Overseas Immigration accounted for the majority of the increase, with a net (arrivals less departures) figure of 240,100 people arriving in Australia, coming from overseas.  This does include some Australians who had been living overseas for over 12 months, and had now returned home. But the total is also affected by those leaving for a period of over 12 months.

Natural Increase, Births less Deaths, accounted for 155,000 of the total increase. (312,600 births and 157,600 death).

  • 60.8% increase from Net Overseas Immigration.
  • 39.2% increase from Natural Increase; Births less Deaths.

Australian Population Increase/Decrease by State

  • 139,700 Victoria
  • 119,500 NSW
  • 86,000 QLD
  • 22,600 WA
  • 13,700 SA
  • 8,000 ACT
  • 6,000 Tasmania
  • 400 decrease in NT

Net Overseas Migration (NOM) includes both permanent and long-term (greater than 12 months) arrivals and departures.

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Source: ABS 3101.0 – Australian Demographic Statistics, Sep 2018 Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 21/03/2019

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