Australia’s 2010 Next Top Model: Amanda Ware or Kelsey Martinovich

The publicity over the TV show: Australia’s Next Top Model, is now in overdrive.

This is not something that I watch, or even really knew existed, but today, it can’t help but be noticed, and be talked about.

The event caught my real attention, well into the news broadcasts of the error in the winners announcement. And I feel that the runner up, the 19 year old Kelsey Martinovich, deserves heaps of praise. Her reaction on hearing the truth was exceptional, and should make her parents proud of her.

Amanda Ware and Kelsey Martinovich were the final two contestants in the on air live transmission of the winners announcement.

The show’s host, Sarah Murdoch, after listening to her earpiece, and being informed of the winners name, announced the winner as: Kelsey Martinovich.

Kelsey then gave her acceptance speech, but Sarah Murdoch was then seen to be listening again to her advisers through her earpiece, and her face dropped.

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Sarah then spoke:

“I don’t know what to say right now. I’m feeling a bit sick about this”

“I’m so sorry, oh my God, I don’t know what to say.

“This is a complete accident. I’m so sorry … It’s Amanda. I’m so sorry.”

Sarah had been given the wrong name by those on the other end of her earpiece, and the wrong winner had been announced.

Kelsey, who was now no longer the winner, was heard saying to the show’s host, Sarah Murdoch, “don’t worry, it’s alright“. That is the bit that caught my attention. Kelsey Martinovich, who had just experienced the glory of winning, and then an immediate dumping, was the one consoling the program host.

That young girl has a future, hopefully, a GREAT future.

And they are BOTH the winners….

Kelsey Martinovich


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