Australian Minimum Wage Rise in 2022

Minimum Wage rise: 3.0% or 5.5%?

Annual CPI inflation increased to 5.1 per cent in the March quarter, mainly due to higher dwelling construction costs and automotive fuel prices.

Following this inflation rise, there are some who want to see an equal rise in wages, to compensate for these … Read the rest

Australian Inflation Rate Compared Internationally, March 2022

Australian Inflation Rate compared Internationally.

This comparison of the Australian Inflation Rate, against other countries, shows how Australia managed to keep inflation lower than others, over the last year.

  • 5.1% Australia
  • 7.9% Germany
  • 8.6% United States
  • 9.1% United Kingdom
  • 9.6% Netherlands

Australian Inflation Rate

Over the twelve months to the … Read the rest

Australian Inflation Rates 2021

Monthly CPI indicator showing the Australian annual inflation change at the end of each month.

Annual Inflation change 2021.

Jan-21 0.4%
Feb-21 1.1%
Mar-21 0.8%
Apr-21 2.5%
May-21 3.3%
Jun-21 3.5%
Jul-21 2.1%
Aug-21 2.5%
Sep-21 3.1%
Oct-21 3.0%
Nov-21 3.1%
Dec-21 3.4%

Annual Inflation change 2020.

Jan-20 2.7%
Feb-20 … Read the rest

Western Australia and their Closed Borders

Western Australia has gone 146 days now with no community transmission cases.

Western Australia Premier, Mark McGowan, has made the following statements:

Forecasts show Western Australia has the most positive economic outlook of all states.

We are the state going forward most quickly.

For 2019-20, Western Australia has the only … Read the rest

Chinese Australian relations 2020

The change in the Chinese Australian relationship in 2020.

Only 23% of Australians now trust China to act responsibly in the world. This is down from 52% in 2018.

Those figures are from the annual Lowy Institute Poll, which tracks Australian views on foreign policy. They also state that confidence … Read the rest