China says Australia is threatening regional stability.

Why does China think Australia is threatening regional stability?

China has been increasing its military capabilities in recent years, forcing other nations to prepare for potential threats from the superpower.

The Chinese navy has built 12 nuclear subs over the past 15 years.

The Pentagon estimated last year that … Read the rest

Voluntary Assisted Dying in Queensland

Queensland’s Voluntary Assisted Dying law.

Voluntary assisted dying allows a person who is suffering, and dying, to choose the timing and circumstances of their death, with assistance from a health practitioner to end their life.

Under the Queensland draft legislation, voluntary assisted dying (VAD) would be restricted to people with … Read the rest

Will Louis Vuitton repay JobKeeper?

Louis Vuitton and Australian JobKeeper payments.

Jobkeeper was designed to support Australian Businesses who expected to experience a 30% reduction in turnover.

Louis Vuitton Australia, anticipated that their turnover would reduce, and therefore claimed Jobkeeper, so that they could continue to keep paying their employees.

Louis Vuitton’s financial statement to … Read the rest

Should Home Affairs apologise to the Media about Tharnicaa Murugappan?

What is Tharnicaa Murugappan suffering from?

Should Home Affairs apologise to the Media about Tharnicaa Murugappan?

Home Affairs Minister, Karen Andrews, has claimed that a lot of the reporting about the illness the child is suffering from is inaccurate.

One news report has said: “Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews Read the rest

Queensland Mask Wearing Rules 15th April 2021

Annastacia Palaszczuk, the Queensland Premier, has stated that the current coronavirus restrictions will change from 6:00am Thursday morning 15th April 2021.

Masks will no longer need to be carried at all times.

People will no longer need to wear them in public buildings, shops, offices etc.

However she did encouraged … Read the rest