Australian citizenship by conferral Processing Times.
The following processing times relate to Citizenship application stages that reached a decision in June 2021.
From date of application to decision: 75% took under 12 months and 10% took over 15 months.
From date of approval to ceremony: 75% took under 6 months and 10% took over 7 months.
From date of application to ceremony: 75% took under 17 months and 10% took over 19 months.
A ‘decision’ includes applications that have been approved, refused, withdrawn and those that cannot be considered (invalid).
21,177 citizenship by conferral applications were finalised in June 2021.
With 134,819 applications for Australian citizenship by conferral waiting in the pipeline at 31st May 2021, and 26,197 new applications received between 1 June 2021 and 30 June 2021, this added up to 161,016 existing and new applications.
The number in the pipeline at 30 June 2021 had increased to 139,839.
This means they finalised 21,177 citizenship by conferral applications in May 2021.
20,087 citizenship by conferral applications were finalised in May 2021.
With 140,798 applications for Australian citizenship by conferral waiting in the pipeline at 30th April 2021, and 14,108 new applications received between 1 May 2021 and 31 May 2021, this added up to 154,906 existing and new applications.
The number in the pipeline at 31 May 2021 had reduced to 134,819.
This means they finalised 20,087 citizenship by conferral applications in May 2021.
Citizenship Applications by Month.
Number of Applications for Australian citizenship by conferral received in the month:
26,197 in June 2021.
14,108 in May 2021.
13,011 in April 2021.
Citizenship Applications on hand.
Applications for Australian citizenship by conferral waiting in the pipeline at month end.
139,839 at 30 Jun 2021.
134,819 at 31 May 2021.
140,798 at 30 Apr 2021.
163,926 at 30 Sep 2019.
198,477 at 31 Jul 2019.
221,695 at 31 May 2019.
236,694 at 31 Dec 2018.
244,765 at 30 Jun 2018.
80,562 at 30 Jun 2017.
Source: Last updated: 27 July 2021 (for month ending 30 June 2021).
What can cause Delays in Citizenship Processing?
Factors that can affect the processing time of your application include:
- Whether you have given complete application, including all the supporting documents.
- How promptly you respond when asked for more information or documents.
- The time it takes to check the information you have provided.
- The time it takes for information from other agencies, usually for character and national security requirements.
- The ability to offer citizenship test appointments in the COVID-19 environment.