COVID-19 Cases in Australia to November 2020

Australian Covid cases by source in November 2020.

The following tables show the monthly Covid-19 cases, with figures for “Locally acquired” and “Overseas Acquired” cases.

  • Locally acquired can include interstate arrivals.
  • Overseas acquired are mainly those that arrive with COVID-19, but are not diagnosed until they arrive in the country. Most of these are now diagnosed whilst in hotel quarantine.

For example:

On 6th June there were 238 locally acquired cases in QLD. This rose to 241 on 29th July, following the arrival of three women who travelled from Victoria, through NSW, into Queensland, with two of them having contracted the virus in Victoria. These cases are classed as ‘Queensland locally acquired’ cases, even though acquired in Victoria.
Source [1]

Queensland COVID cases in November 2020
  • 3 new local cases and 28 overseas arrivals with COVID.
New South Wales COVID cases in November 2020
  • 9 new local cases and 147 overseas arrivals with COVID.
South Australia COVID cases in November 2020
  • 34 new local cases and 27 overseas arrivals with COVID.

April 2020 to November 2020 Monthly COVID cases

Column 1: State and Month.
Column 2: Locally acquired in the month.
Column 3: Overseas Acquired in the month.
Column 4: Total Cases for the month.
Column 5: Locally acquired total cases.
Column 6: Overseas Acquired total cases.

Queensland COVID-19 cases

New South Wales COVID-19 cases

QLD Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 3 28 31 305 897
Oct 3 11 14 302 869
Sep 28 7 35 299 858
Aug 27 12 39 271 851
Jul 6 10 16 244 839
Jun 0 10 10 238 829
May 4 20 24 238 819
Apr 90 200 290 234 799

Victoria COVID-19 cases

Agoda Hotel Bookings
Sponsor ai10
NSW Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 9 147 156 1960 2617
Oct 64 133 197 1951 2470
Sep 100 74 174 1887 2337
Aug 247 47 294 1787 2263
Jul 226 152 378 1540 2216
Jun 9 85 94 1314 2064
May 41 38 79 1305 1979
Apr 525 648 1173 1264 1941

South Australia COVID-19 cases

Vic Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 0 0 0 19360 985
Oct 176 0 176 19360 985
Sep 1089 0 1089 19184 985
Aug 8503 0 8503 18095 985
Jul 8397 21 8418 9592 985
Jun 416 94 510 1195 964
May 213 75 288 779 870
Apr 185 259 444 566 795

West Australia COVID-19 cases

SA Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 34 27 61 187 375
Oct 2 31 33 153 348
Sep 1 4 5 151 317
Aug 6 7 13 150 313
Jul 5 2 7 144 306
Jun 0 3 3 139 304
May 0 3 3 139 301
Apr 40 60 100 139 298
WA Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 2 48 50 96 722
Oct 0 84 84 94 674
Sep 1 28 29 94 590
Aug 0 -11 -11 93 562
Jul 7 48 55 93 573
Jun 0 22 22 86 525
May 4 34 38 86 503
Apr 32 155 187 82 469

Some cases in July-August were re-assessed.

Tasmania COVID-19 cases

Tas Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 0 0 0 149 81
Oct 0 0 0 149 81
Sep 0 0 0 149 81
Aug 1 0 1 149 81
Jul 1 0 1 148 81
Jun 0 0 0 147 81
May 1 4 5 147 81
Apr 141 13 154 146 77

ACT COVID-19 cases

ACT Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 0 3 3 29 88
Oct 0 1 1 29 85
Sep 0 0 0 29 84
Aug 0 0 0 29 84
Jul 5 0 5 29 84
Jun 0 1 1 24 84
May 0 1 1 24 83
Apr 10 16 26 24 82

NT COVID-19 cases

NT Locally Acquired Overseas Total Cases Locally Acquired Overseas
Nov 0 15 15 6 47
Oct 0 5 5 6 32
Sep 0 0 0 6 27
Aug 1 0 1 6 27
Jul 2 1 3 5 27
Jun 0 0 0 3 26
May 0 2 2 3 26
Apr 3 5 8 3 24


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