Education Tax Refund

The Education Tax Refund (ETR) is available for families who are able to claim Family Tax Benefit part A, and will enable them to claim part of the education related costs of their children.

These costs do NOT include actual school fees, but relate mainly to additional education costs incurred. You will be limited to a maximum claim of 50% of a pre defined annual expenditure limit.

This initial annual limit will be:

  • Primary School children – $750 per year, allowing a maximum claim of $375
  • Secondary School children – $1,500 per year, allowing a maximum claim of $750

Any excess expenditure can be rolled over to the next tax year, but only for ONE year, after that they are lost, if not used in that next year.

Examples of simple claims:

  1. You spend $1,000 on eligible expenses for your PRIMARY school child. You are allowed to claim $750 of that expenditure in the current year, which at the 50% rebate rate, means you can get back $375 (being 50% of $750). The excess $250 that you spent, but could not claim, will be carried over to the following year.
  2. You spend $1,000 on eligible expenses for your SECONDARY school child. You are allowed to claim $1,500 of expenditure in the current year, which at the 50% rebate rate, means you can get back $500 (being 50% of the $1,000 actually spent). Their is nothing to be carried over to the following year.

Education Tax Refund for Non taxpayers

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You can claim the ETR even if you are not required to lodge a tax return.

Claim Form and instructions from:…/00194402.htm

What CAN be claimed

  • Computer, Printer and other related equipment for home or school use by an eligible child.
    • (a) cost of acquiring (whether by way of purchase, lease, hire or hire purchase); and
    • (b) cost of repairing; and
    • (c) costs associated with running.
  • Home internet connection:
    • (a) cost of establishing; and
    • (b) cost of maintaining.
  • Cost of acquiring (whether by way of purchase, lease, hire or hire purchase)
    • Item of computer software
    • School textbooks, other paper based school learning material and stationery

What CANNOT be claimed
The type of items you can’t claim include:

  • School fees
  • School uniform expenses
  • Student attendance at school-based extra curricular activities such as excursions and camps
  • Tutoring costs
  • Sporting equipment
  • Musical instruments
  • School subject levies – for example, payment for consumables for particular subjects such as woodwork, art or home science
  • Building levies
  • Library book fees
  • School photos
  • Donations
  • Tuck shop expenses
  • Waiting list fees
  • Transport
  • Membership fees
  • Computer games and consoles.

The above lists have been taken from: and

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