Electricity The Real Price Changes in Queensland 2003-2009

Average Annual Electricity cost rise of 5.82% between 2003-04 and 2008-09.

We often see newspaper articles about the jumping prices of Electricity, but how accurate are these shocking percentage increases really ?

I’ve been in Queensland for 6 years now, and have all my Electricity bills filed away in my study, so here are some actual facts on the changes of Electricity costs.

My actual Annual Electricity Costs (combining Unit cost and quarterly charges)

Year Cost $ Usage kWh ave $/kWh annual overall kWh $ increase
2003 $854.11 7,511 $0.11371
2004 $1,162.47 9,947 $0.11687 2.77%
2005 $1,246.05 10,360 $0.12028 2.92%
2006 $1,434.89 11,483 $0.12496 3.89%
2007 $1,658.66 12,535 $0.13232 5.89%
2008 $1,946.50 13,410 $0.14516 9.70%
2009 $1,505.72 9,431 $0.15966 9.99%
2010 $ $0.0 %
Total $9,808.40

However, if the electricity prices had risen evenly by 5.82% every year, my bills, based on my actual 2003 bill as a starting point, would have been as follows:

Year Cost $ Usage kWh ave $/kWh annual overall kWh $ increase
2003 $854.11 7,511 $0.11371
2004 $1,196.95 9,947 $0.12033 5.82%
2005 $1,319.20 10,360 $0.12734 5.82%
2006 $1,547.30 11,483 $0.13475 5.82%
2007 $1,787.36 12,535 $0.14259 5.82%
2008 $2,023.33 13,410 $0.15089 5.82%
2009 $1,505.85 9,431 $0.15967 5.82%
2010 $ $0. %
Total $10,234.10

This shows that a 5.82% rise in total electricity costs would end up at the same kWh unit cost as my earlier figures, but with price rises having come earlier, my total payments would have been higher.

Consequently I am better off with all the rises that we have had, than if we had regular annual rises of 5.82% every year.

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For comparison to incomes, the Queensland average Wages (Full Time Male), have risen by 5.15% per year over that same period.

The NET electricity rise is therefore not much higher than general wage increases.

Edit: Also look at: Council Rate Rises in Australia

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