Fathers Day

Fathers Day in Australia.

March,  June or September? It depends on your nationality..

Father’s Day is NOT a public holiday in Australia.

Father’s Day in Australia, and New Zealand, occurs at the start of Spring, on the first Sunday of September each year.
This falls on the following dates:

2021 – Sunday, 5th September
2022 – Sunday, 4th September
2023 – Sunday, 3rd September
2024 – Sunday, 1st September
2025 – Sunday, 7th September
2026 – Sunday, 6th September
2027 – Sunday, 5th September

Father’s Day in Australia was mentioned in an article in the Newcastle Sun on 4th September 1936. It stated that the Australian “Newcastle Baptist Tabernacle” would hold a special “Father’s Day” meeting open to fathers of all denominations, on Sunday, 6th September 1936.

Fathers Day in the UK and USA.

Fathers’ Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and many other countries on the third Sunday in June each year.

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This falls on the following dates:

2021 – Sunday, 20th June
2022 – Sunday, 19th June
2023 – Sunday, 18th June
2024 – Sunday, 16th June
2025 – Sunday, 15th June
2026 – Sunday, 21st June
2027 – Sunday, 20th June

It is NOT a public holiday in the UK.
It is NOT a public holiday in Canada.

Fathers Day for Italians

Italians are one of the largest nationality groups in Australia.

Italians, following Roman Catholic tradition, celebrate Fathers on Saint Joseph’s Day, (Feast of Saint Joseph), which is held every year on 19th May.

Mar 19, 2021 Friday
Mar 19, 2022 Saturday
Mar 19, 2023 Sunday
Mar 19, 2024 Tuesday
Mar 19, 2025 Wednesday

Fathers Day for Indians

Indians are one of the largest nationality groups in Australia.

Father’s Day in India is also on the 3rd Sunday in June. It is not a public holiday.

Fathers Day for Chinese.

Chinese nationals are one of the largest nationality groups in Australia.

In mainland China, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.

In Taiwan, Father’s Day is celebrated on 8 August.


Other Related dates:

When did the Australian government recognise Father’s Day?

Father’s Day was officially designated as the first Sunday in September through the Commonwealth in 1964.

When did the United Kingdom government recognise Father’s Day?


When did the United States government recognise Father’s Day?

In 1966, President Johnson issued a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.
In 1972, President Nixon signed a proclamation making Father’s Day a federal holiday.
However, Father’s Day is not a public holiday. “Confused

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