Government Funding for Education in Australia

How Much do Governments pay for Children’s Education in Australia?.

Parents pay about 29% of the child’s education costs at a Catholic school in Australia. At other private schools the percentage is about 57%. At State schools it is only about 5%.

The Government contribution towards education costs is therefore:

  • 95% for State Government Schools.
  • 71% for Catholic schools.
  • 43% for Independent schools.

In 2018: 65.7% of students were enrolled in government schools, 19.7% in catholic schools and 14.6% in independent schools.
22.6% of the Australian population is Catholic, not much higher than the percentage of children in Catholic schools.

How Much do Governments pay per child?.

The average cost per student, for each type of school, payable by Australian governments in 2017 was:

  • $13,411 for children in Government Schools.
  • $11,451 for children in Catholic Schools.
  • $ 9,530 for children in Independent Schools.

Savings for Governments.

Catholic and Independent schools save taxpayers money, due to the parents covering part of the costs.

Without these Non-State schools, taxpayers would need to fund 100% of the cost of ALL students, instead of only 71% for Catholic schools and 43% for Independent schools.

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