John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia

Prime Minister of Australia from 11th Mar 1996 to 23rd Nov 2007

Liberal Party.

John Winston Howard, born Earlwood, Sydney, NSW on 26 July 1939.

  • 1963 Joined the Liberal Party New South Wales State Executive.
  • 1972 Served as the NSW State Vice-President of the Liberal party from 1972 to 1974.
  • 1974 Became the Liberal member for Bennelong, Sydney, NSW after the House of Representatives General Election on 18 May 1974. A position he held until 2007.
  • 1975 Became the Minister for business and consumer affairs.
  • 1977 Became the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Minister for Special Trade Negotiations.
  • 1977 John Howard became the Treasurer of the Liberal Government. A position he held until the General Election of 5 March 1983, when the ALP took over government.

Positions in Opposition:

  • 1983 – 1985 Shadow Treasurer and Deputy Liberal Party Leader.
  • 1985 – 1989 Leader of the Opposition.
  • 1989 – 1995 various Ministerial positions.
  • 1995 – 1996 Leader of the Opposition.

General Elections won by John Howard as Liberal Leader and Prime Minister.

  1. 2 March 1996
  2. 3 October 1998
  3. 10 November 2001
  4. 9 November 2004

General Elections lost by John Howard as Liberal Leader.

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  • 24 November 2007

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