Private Hospital Age Loading.
Anyone who reaches the age of 30, and has not taken out Private Hospital cover, will incur an age loading, if they take out that policy after the age of 30.
The loading is 2 per cent for every year of age above 30, on top of the normal premium for that persons health cover.
New migrants to Australia receive a grace period to purchase hospital insurance without incurring a Lifetime Health cover loading.
Migrants who become eligible for Medicare on or after 23 April 2004 do not pay a Lifetime Health Cover loading if they purchase hospital cover by the later of:
- the 1 July following their 31st birthday, or
- the first anniversary of the date they were accepted for Medicare.
If you were born on or before 1 July 1934, you are not affected by Lifetime Health Cover. This means that you can purchase hospital insurance at any time and you will always pay the base rate premium.