Manus Island refugees want body of drowned Pakistani man sent home

Where is a Refugees Home?.

An ABC article states that Refugees on Manus Island are demanding the body of a Pakistani man who drowned this week be sent back to his family.

These Refugees have said that they have offered to raise money for the Refugees body to be sent to Pakistan if Australia refuses to pay, and that is perfectly fair.

But it raises the question of a persons HOME.

A person chooses to leave his home country, for various reasons.

A migrant looking for a different life, and chooses to migrate to Australia for example.

In this case, upon death, the body will be buried in the new country, unless personal arrangements are made to cover costs to return the body to another country. Australia will not pay to return the body to the Old Home Country

A Refugee Escapes his Birth Country, and wants Refugee status in Australia.

They die during the process. Should they be buried where they are, or in Australia, or does anyone have a duty to return them to the country that they have ESCAPED from ?

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The ABC article says:

Fellow Refugees are angry that his body may NOT be returned HOME.

If they feel their old country is their HOME, why have they left, looking for a NEW HOME?

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