Partner Visa Compelling and Compassionate Circumstances

Compelling and compassionate circumstances for Australian Partner Visa.

Some Partner Visa applicants ask about priority processing for their Visa application, based on their compelling reasons to be granted the visa faster.

But, what are these reasons and…

Are Compelling and compassionate circumstances really available?.

From various Australian government sources we have seen the following statements on Compelling and Compassionate Circumstances.

A Partner or Child visa application might be prioritised where you can demonstrate compelling and compassionate circumstances. You will need to make a request for priority processing with the visa office where your application is being processed and provide evidence to support your claims.

If you feel you have compelling or compassionate reasons why your application should be prioritised, please upload a written statement to ImmiAccount outlining your circumstances.

There is no guarantee that your application will be given a higher priority as other applicants might have equally or more compelling and compassionate circumstances.

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In general, planned employment in Australia, schooling for children, pregnancy, property sale, or separation of partners, for example, are not considered sufficient reason for an application to be prioritised, as these circumstances are common to many partner visa applications.


I have read that the factors being used for ‘Compelling and compassionate circumstances‘ must have been beyond the applicant’s control.

Some have asked about a child’s impending birth, but even that is not covered, as it is a common event for many partner visa applicants.

This was on the Immigration website as an example Q&A.

Q: Why isn’t the impending birth of my child considered sufficiently compassionate and compelling to get the case finalised now?

A: We acknowledge that your personal circumstances may be difficult; however the nature of family migration is such that all cases have emotional or compassionate elements and a decision to bring forward the grant of your visa would disadvantage other applicants in circumstances which may be as equally compelling and compassionate as your own. Consequently, in the interest of fairness, applications are processed in date order.

On very rare occasions a case will be prioritised on compassionate or compelling grounds after assessment by a case officer. This is only done when there are circumstances which are significantly more compelling than those which would generally be encountered within the usual client group applying for the visa.

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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