Partner Visa Grants, Refusals and Pipeline 2015-2018

Australian Partner Statistics 2014/15 to 2017/18.

According to reports issued by the Department of Home Affairs these are the figures for Family Visa Grants, Refusals and applications still in the pipeline during the years 2014/15 to 2017/18

Family stream Visa Applications.

91,530 Family stream applications in 2014–15.
69,305 Family stream first stage applications in 2015–16
84,531 Family stream first stage applications in 2016-17
69,678 Family stream applications in 2017-18.

Family stream Visa Outcomes.

61,085 Family stream outcomes for 2014-15.
57,400 Family stream outcomes for 2015–16.
56,220 Family stream outcomes for 2016–17.
47,732 Family stream outcomes for 2017-18.

Family stream Visa Pipeline.

163,964 Family stream pipeline as at 30 June 2015.
160,874 Family stream pipeline as at 30 June 2016.
191,933 Family stream pipeline as at 30 June 2017.
194,908 Family stream pipeline as at 30 June 2018.


Partner Visa Applications.

64,169 Partner category applications in 2014–15.
52,177 Partner category applications in 2015–16.
57,138 Partner category applications in 2016-17.
54,037 Partner category applications in 2017-18.

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Partner Visa Outcomes.

47,825 Partner category Outcomes in 2014-15
47,825 Partner category Outcomes in 2015-16
47,825 Partner category Outcomes in 2016–17
39,799 Partner category Outcomes in 2017-18

Partner Visa Refusals.

xx,xxx Partner category Refusals in 2014-15
xx,xxx Partner category Refusals in 2015-16
10,372 Partner category Refusals in 2016-17 (source:
xx,xxx Partner category Refusals in 2017-18

Partner Visa Pipeline.

71,172 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2015.
70,964 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2016.
79,027 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2017.
80,539 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2018.


2016-17 partner Visa Applications, Grants and Refusals.

70,964 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2016.
57,138 Partner category applications
37,453 Partner category Grants (47,825 less 10,372)
10,372 Partner category Refusals
79,027 Partner category pipeline as at 30 June 2017.

This 2016-17 figure is actually out by 1,250. Not sure why.

I originally put in a figure of 47,825 Partner category Grants, but that gave an error of 9,122.  So I now assume that the “outcomes” includes refusals.


xx,xxx = To be advised, when figures are located.

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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