Partner Visas from South Africa and Egypt during Covid-19

Partner Visa delays from Australian Embassies in South Africa and Egypt, caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The Australian embassy in South Africa has recently stated that no visas have been processed since late March, when they went into lockdown. They have indicated that once they reopen their visa section, they will be processing partner visas in a limited capacity.

The Australian embassy in Egypt has said similar, with these words…
Processing of visa and citizenship applications has been suspended until further notice.
A small number of applications will continue to be processed, where the delegate has decided there are compelling or compassionate circumstances that justify finalising the application as soon as possible.

These delays might be the same in other Australian Embassies around the world.

Most Australian Embassies have been concentrating on supporting Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents overseas during the COVID-19 situation.

Many have also suffered from staff shortages, or even full lockdowns in their locations.

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