Skilled Visa Allocation reduced for 2023/24

During the last Federal Election, the Labor party said it would reform the country’s migration system to boost skilled workers.

Now in government they have:

  • Increased the application fees.
  • Reduced the number of skilled visa Grants by 5,300

Family and Partner visa spaces have stayed the same as last year.

2023-24 Migration Program.

From 1 July 2023, there will be an allocation of 137,100 skilled visa places in 2023/24, down from 142,400 in 2022/23.

From 1 July 2023, there will be an allocation of 400 Special Eligibility visa places in 2023/24, up from 100 in 2022/23.

From 1 July 2023, there will be an allocation of 40,500 Partner visa spaces, the same as last year.

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From 1 July 2023, there will be an allocation of 12,000 other family visa spaces, the same as last year.

There will be a total of 190,000 visa places in 2023/24, down from the 195,000 in 2022/23.

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