Speeding Fines in WA 2019

Speeding Fines in WA June 2019.

It is an offence to exceed a speed limit in Australia.

Speeding is the cause of about 40% of road fatalities in Australia, and about 30% of all road accidents in Australia.

Each Australian State and Territory can impose different fines and penalties for any motoring offence, and this can include financial penalties and demerit points which can lead to loss of licence.

The following shows the basic speeding fines, for Private Motor Vehicles in Western Australia, as at June 2019.

WA Speeding Fines:.

  • Not more than 9 km/h over the limit: 2 penalty units, plus zero points.
  • More than 9 but not more than 19 km/h over the limit: 4 penalty units, plus 2 points.
  • More than 19 but not more than 29 km/h over the limit: 8 penalty units, plus 3 points.
  • More than 29 but not more than 40 km/h over the limit: 16 penalty units, plus 6 points.
  • More than 40 km/h over the limit: 24 penalty units, plus 7 points

The value of a penalty unit is $50

Demerit points are doubled for alcohol, speed and some other offences at various times during the year.

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These penalties are correct at date of publication. 13th June 2019

Source: transport.wa.gov.au

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