Subclass 186 Visa Grants in 2023.

Subclass 186 Grants in 2023.

The Employer Nomination Scheme, subclass 186 visa, lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

There are three different options for this visa.

A selection of reported subclass 186 visa scheme Grants.

  • Subclass 186 TRT
    Occupation: Developer Programmer
    Location: Onshore
    Nomination lodged:
    Visa lodged: 16 Nov 2022
    Medical: 21 Nov 2022
    Nomination approved:
    Visa approved: 30 Aug 2023
  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: Developer Programmer
    Location: Onshore
    Nomination lodged:
    Visa lodged: 4 Oct 2022
    Medical: 10 Oct 2033
    Nomination approved:
    Visa approved: 22 Aug 2023
  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: Developer Programmer
    Location: NSW
    Sponsor: Non-accredited
    Nomination lodged:
    Visa lodged: 18 Aug 2022
    Nomination approved:
    Visa approved: 20 Aug 2023
  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: 261312-Developer programmer.
    Sponsor: Non accredited
    Nomination lodged: Oct 2021
    Visa lodged: Nov 2022
    Medical: Nov 2022
    Nomination approved: Nov 2022
    Visa approved: Aug 2023
    From lodging nomination to visa grant: 21 months.
  • Subclass 186 DE from 482
    Occupation: Software Developer ANZSCO 261312
    Sponsor: Non-accredited.
    Nomination lodged: 20 October 2022.
    Visa lodged: 20 October 2022
    Medical: 1 November 2022.
    Nomination approved: 6 July 2023
    Visa approved: 6 August 2023, after 9 months.

  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: Developer Programmer
    Location: On-shore, Victoria
    Sponsor: Non-accredited.
    Nomination lodged: June 2022.
    Visa lodged: August 2022.
    Medical: September 2022.
    Nomination approved:
    Visa approved: 1 August 2023, after 12 months.

  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: ICT Security Specialist
    Location: On-shore from 482
    Sponsor: Non-accredited.
    Nomination lodged: June 2022.
    Visa lodged: August 2022.
    Medical: September 2022.
    Nomination approved: May 2023.
    Visa approved: June 2023, after 12 months.

  • Subclass 186 DE
    Occupation: Taxation Accountant
    Location: On-shore
    Sponsor: Non-accredited.
    Nomination lodged: 14 Apr 2022.
    Visa lodged: 30 May 2022.
    Medical: 7 Jun 2022.
    Nomination approved: 21 Apr 2023.
    Visa approved: 20 May 2023, after 13 months.

  • Subclass 186 lodged: 11 Oct 2022
    Nomination lodged : 11 Oct 2022
    Stream: Direct Entry onshore from TSS-482.
    Occupation: Software Engineer 261313.
    Firm: Accredited.
    Nomination granted: 4 Apr 2023.
    Visa grant: 5 May 2023, after 7 months.

  • Subclass 186 lodged: 7 Apr 2022
    Nomination lodged : 7 April 2022
    Stream:  TRT.
    Nomination granted 29 Mar 2023
    Visa grant: 29 Apr 2023 after 13 months.
    Firm: Non-Accredited

  • Subclass 186 lodged: 17 Mar 2022
    Nomination lodged : 17 Mar 2022
    Stream: TRT.
    Police Check: 20 Feb 2023
    Medical: 24th Mar 2023
    Visa grant: 22 April 2023 after 13 months.
    Occupation: ANZSCO 223112
    Firm: Non-Accredited
    Location: On-shore

  • Subclass 186 lodged: 24 Feb 2022.
    Subclass 186 TRT from 482.
    Stream: TRT.
    Medical: 24th Mar 2022.
    Grant: 21 Apr 2023 after 14 months.

  • Subclass 186 applied: 6 May 2022.
    Stream: TRT.
    Grant: 12 April 2023. After 11 months.
    Occupation:Occupation: Engineering Professional (NEC) – 233999

  • Applied: 20 October 2022
    186 Temporary Residence Transition stream.
    Firm: Non-accredited
    Medical: 10 Nov 2022
    Grant: 8 April 2023, after 6 months.

  • Applied: 4 April 2022
    186 Direct Entry stream.
    Grant: 25 March 2023. After 12 months.
    Occupation: Accountant

Add your own details in the comments section below, preferably using this format:

Date Applied:
Subclass 186: stream type.
Onshore or Offshore:
Date of Medical:
Date of Grant:

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