Subclass 189 Applications and Grants in 2022.

Number of Subclass 189 Applications and Grants in 2022.

During the last 6 months of 2022, there were 34,716 subclass 189 applications lodged and 7,681 granted in the same time frame.

There were 39,917 subclass 189 applications still on hand at 31 December 2022.
This is an increase of 26,824 since 30 June 2022, when there were 13,093 on hand.

Number of Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa applications lodged and granted from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Month Lodged Granted On Hand
Dec 10,709 2,847 39,917
Nov 6,168 1,985 32,127
Oct 9,429 1,087 27,980
Sep 5,329 1,103 19,696
Aug 2,844 364 15,544
Jul 237 295 13,093

FoI FA 23/01/01470
FoI FA 23/01/01427

These numbers include both primary and secondary applicants.

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