Underemployment September 2009

Recent reports have shown that Australian are working less hours than they were a year ago, 2008.

A recent ABS report showed these figures, over a three year spread:

In 2006, out of 4,799,300 full time Male workers, 48,800 worked less than 35 hours for economic reasons.

In 2009, out of 4,977,200 full time Male workers, 63,900 worked less than 35 hours for economic reasons.

In 2006, out of 2,587,500 full time Female workers, 10,800 worked less than 35 hours for economic reasons.

In 2009, out of 2,726,200 full time Female workers, 11,800 worked less than 35 hours for economic reasons.

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Economic reasons for full-time workers having worked less than 35 hours in the reference week are:

  • there was no work or not enough work available, e.g. due to material shortages
  • they were stood down
  • they were on short time.

Source: www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/0234F5869C8CAAC0CA2576D20013A485/$File/62650_sep%202009.pdf

Another ABS report (6105.0 – Australian Labour Market Statistics) showed:

2009 November, Average hours worked:

  • 41.2 Average weekly hours – Full-time (41.1 in 2008, 41.4 in 2007)
  • 16.8 Average weekly hours – Part-time (16.8 in 2008, 16.7 in 2007)


2009 www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/218562E41D8F6E23CA2576A400112CD7/$File/61050_Jan%202010.pdf
2008 www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/B1DD2D12DFC057ECCA25753F001136DE/$File/61050_jan%202009.pdf
2007 www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/DBE770EA4F64E6D4CA2573CC000F46C1/$File/61050_jan%202008.pdf

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