Unemployment Rate June 2011

Australian Unemployment Rates in June 2011.

7th July 2011

The Australian Trend unemployment rate was steady at 4.9% per cent in June 2011.

The Australian Seasonally Adjusted unemployment rate was steady at 4.9% per cent in June 2011.

The Male Unemployment rate was 4.6%
The Female Unemployment rate was 5.2%

The number of persons looking for full-time work is 415,500 in June 2011, down from 430,900 in June 2010.
The number of persons looking for part-time work is 175,400 in June 2011, down from 176,100 in June 2010.

The number in full-time employment was 8,082,100 in June 2011, up from 7,880,000 in June 2010.
The number in part-time employment was 3,373,000 in June 2011, up from 3,353,100 in June 2010.

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Monthly Changes in Australian Unemployment Rates, June 2011.

  • Employment changed from 11,431,800 to 11,455,200
  • Unemployment changed from 593,600 to 591,000
  • Participation Rate changed from 65.4% to 65.6%

The Annual change from June 2010 to June 2011 has been a 2.6% Decrease in Unemployment.

  • Full Time Male Unemployment went from 255,300 in June 2010 to 242,900 in June 2011. A decrease of 4.84%
  • Full Time Female Unemployment went from 175,600 in June 2010 to 172,600 in June 2011. A decrease of 1.71%
Unemployment rate Full & Part Time Full Time only Full & Part Time Full Time only Full & Part Time Full Time only
Trend Trend Seasonally Adjusted Seasonally Adjusted Original Original
Jun 2011 4.89% 4.91% 4.91% 4.89% 4.82% 4.92%
May 2011 4.90% 4.91% 4.94% 5.00% 5.02% 5.15%
Apr 2011 4.91% 4.91% 4.85% 4.90% 5.00% 5.04%
Mar 2011 4.94% 4.92% 4.93% 4.87% 5.27% 5.11%
Feb 2011 4.98% 4.96% 5.02% 4.92% 5.64% 5.44%
Jan 2011 5.03% 5.01% 5.03% 5.02% 5.43% 5.55%
Dec 2010 5.09% 5.07% 4.95% 5.01% 4.76% 4.75%
Nov 2010 5.15% 5.12% 5.19% 5.15% 4.81% 4.83%
Oct 2010 5.19% 5.16% 5.39% 5.40% 5.06% 5.07%
Sep 2010 5.21% 5.19% 5.14% 5.03% 5.08% 4.82%
Aug 2010 5.21% 5.21% 5.13% 5.13% 4.88% 4.82%
Jul 2010 5.21% 5.24% 5.31% 5.36% 4.95% 5.08%
Jun 2010 5.22% 5.29% 5.13% 5.18% 5.03% 5.23%
May 2010 5.24% 5.34% 5.16% 5.32% 5.24% 5.47%
Apr 2010 5.27% 5.40% 5.39% 5.53% 5.55% 5.68%
Mar 2010 5.31% 5.46% 5.38% 5.47% 5.74% 5.73%
Feb 2010 5.36% 5.53% 5.32% 5.52% 5.97% 6.10%
Jan 2010 5.42% 5.63% 5.27% 5.45% 5.72% 6.04%
Dec 2009 5.51% 5.76% 5.54% 5.77% 5.33% 5.48%
Nov 2009 5.59% 5.89% 5.61% 5.92% 5.21% 5.54%
Oct 2009 5.69% 6.01% 5.75% 6.09% 5.39% 5.73%
Sep 2009 5.75% 6.11% 5.75% 6.16% 5.65% 5.92%
Aug 2009 5.79% 6.14% 5.81% 6.08% 5.52% 5.73%
Jul 2009 5.79% 6.13% 5.71% 6.02% 5.32% 5.69%
Jun 2009 5.78% 6.07% 5.83% 6.21% 5.74% 6.27%

Unemployment Rates in June 2009

9th July 2009

Monthly Changes in Australian Unemployment Rates.

The Australian Trend unemployment rate moved in June 2009 from 5.7% to 5.8%

The Australian Seasonally Adjusted unemployment rate moved in June 2009 from 5.73% to 5.80%

  • Employment changed from 10,777,300 to 10,772,500
  • Unemployment changed from 655,800 to 668,400
  • Participation Rate changed from 65.4% to 65.3%

The Annual change from June 2008 to June 2009 has been a 39.1% Increase in Unemployment.

  • Full Time Male Unemployment went from 184,340 in June 2008 to 314,480 in June 2009. An increase of 70.6%
  • Full Time Female Unemployment went from 131,720 in June 2008 to 186,370 in June 2009. An increase of 41.5%

The total Full time unemployed, during the last 12 months, has increased by 184,800 from 316,100 to 500,900.

The above Estimate rates from: www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6202.0

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