Citizenship Grant Processing Times 2019

Processing Times for Australian Citizenship Grants in 2019.

This is a selection of some known processing times for Australian Citizenship by Conferral Grants, with Ceremonies held in 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

    • Applied in Dec 2017 with Ceremony in Jan 2019 after 13 months.
    • Applied in Oct 2017 with Ceremony in May 2019 after 19.2 months.
    • Applied in Mar 2018 with Ceremony in Sep 2019 after 17.9 months.
    • Applied in Sep 2018 with Ceremony in Sep 2019 after 12 months.
    • Applied in Dec 2018 with Ceremony in Sep 2019 after 8.7 months.
    • Applied in Sep 2018 with Ceremony in Oct 2019 after 12.4 months.
    • Applied in Apr 2018 with Ceremony in Oct 2019 after 18 months.
    • Applied in Oct 2017 with Ceremony in Nov 2019 after 24.4 months.
    • Applied in Jan 2018 with Ceremony in Nov 2019 after 21.7 months.
    • Applied in Aug 2018 with Ceremony in Nov 2019 after 15 months.
    • Applied in Oct 2018 with Ceremony in Jan 2020 after 15.4 months.
    • Applied in May 2018 with Ceremony in Jan 2020 after 20.5 months.
    • Applied in Sep 2019 with Ceremony in Feb 2020 after 4.9 months.
    • Applied in Jun 2019 with Ceremony in Feb 2020 after 7.4 months.

Grants appear to be speeding up in February.
This can also be seen with these figures comparing 2018 and 2019.

  • 106,704 people were conferred with Australian citizenship in the last 6 months of 2019 (July to December)
  • 48,983 people were conferred with Australian citizenship in the last 6 months of 2018 (July to December)

Although few processing times have been shown for January 2020, in those listed above, a record number of Australian Permanent Residents receive Australian citizenship on 26 January 2020, with 27,419 people attending Citizenship ceremonies on that date.

Australian Day, 26th January, is the one day that all local Councils will hold a Citizenship ceremony. Some councils hold ceremonies every month, some more than once a month, but some as few as once a year.

Official Australian Citizenship Processing Times.

From date of application to ceremony
  • In December 2019, 75% were processed in 21 months or less, and 10% took over 24 months.
  • In July 2019, 75% were processed in 20 months or less, and 10% took over 24 months.
  • In May 2019, 75% were done within 16 months and 10% took over 20 months.

These figures relate to Citizenship by conferral.


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