The following shows the Median House prices for Sydney, in the June 2009 Quarter, from three of the main property pricing options:
June 2009
$490,000 Australian Bureau of Statistics
$533,904 RP Data
$547,000 Australian Property Monitors
Why the difference ?
Annual Changes – as quoted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics June 2009 to June 2010, show that Sydney rose by 21.4%.
Based on the June 2009 figure above of $490,000 this would now mean that the median Sydney House price would be $594,860.
All annually house price rises, June 2009 to June 2010:
Melbourne (+24.3%)
Sydney (+21.4%)
Canberra (+19.6%)
Darwin (+14.6%)
Perth (+13.0%)
Adelaide (+11.6%)
Hobart (+10.8%)
Brisbane (+8.5%)